Investment Banking. Evolved.

LUMA is the leading investment bank focused on digital media and marketing. Yes, we’re bankers, but we’re also trusted strategic advisors who have been around the block a few times.

Our collective industry knowledge, and high-level access to the most innovative leaders in digital, positions us to connect our solution-focused clients to the companies that need to acquire them.

With proven transaction expertise, we lead our clients into the next steps of their M&A journey.

Successful exits result when companies are bought, not sold.

Latest Transactions

More than $27 billion in client successes.

September 2022 Dreamscape/GTCR_Transaction Image strategic investment in Transaction-Standard Media Index
September 2022 Transaction-Martin AI acquired by Transaction-PubMatic
November 2022 Yahoo Logo has agreed to a partnership Taboola Logo
December 2022 Transaction: BC Partners Logo has acquired
August 2023 has been acquired by
June 2024 Beachfront logo has been acquired by seedtag logo
December 2021 Transition-AppLovin Secondary Offering Transaction-Blank Filler
Underwriter $622,500,000
January 2022 Transition-AppLovin acquired MoPub_Twitter_a wholly owned business unit
February 2022 TVSquared _Innovid Transaction acquired by TVSquared_Innovid Transaction Logo
April 2022 Logo has received investment from Goldman Sachs Logo
July 2022 Transaction_Verge/MGI acquired Transaction_Dataseat


From our world-famous LUMAscapes to our equally infamous Funny Business parody videos, LUMA’s deep insights and unparalleled storytelling address the latest trends shaping the here, now, and future of digital.

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Marketing Technology LUMAscape

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Market Insights: The Return of M&A

Digiday: Teads is exploring sale options as M&A in ad tech heats up

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