After years of debate, Apple Inc. and Google are making separate moves to effectively kill the software marketers use to track your online activity and tailor ads specifically for you.…
Late last year, with the end of the pandemic hopefully in sight, LUMA was beginning to see investor confidence return. If anything, that cautious optimism was understated, as this Spring,…
Seven ad tech companies made transactions valued at over $1 billion in the first quarter of 2021 – double the amount that’s happened in the past few years combined. “We’ve…
Known as SPACs, these shell companies allow businesses to sell shares to the public with different disclosure than usual. What could go wrong? SPAC stands for special purpose acquisition company,…
Here’s 2020 in a nutshell from the investment banker’s point of view: “Turmoil caused acceleration and unexpected change, and it was a breeding ground for the opportunity,” says Conor McKenna,…
Terence Kawaja, Founder & CEO, LUMA Partners Investment Banking, on their new SPAC LUMAscape which maps over 250 SPACs by sector and status. Hosted by Carol Massar. Listen to the…
The DSP Beeswax, founded in 2014 by ad tech gadfly Ari Paparo, is off the market. Comcast’s video ad tech company FreeWheel said Thursday it will acquire the “bidder-as-a-service” for…
Norwegian telco Telenor sold cross-device company Tapad to Experian in a transaction advised by LUMA Partners. Experian is acquiring 100% of Tapad for a cash consideration of roughly $280 million.…
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