
We are proud to announce our new public market tracking initiative, The LUMA Indices BETA. Just as we serve as cartographers to the ecosystem through our LUMAscapes, we believe we can do the same for the publicly traded cohort, which is growing by the day as more companies in the space complete public issuances and SPAC deals.

The LUMA Indices (still in its preliminary, “beta” form) include two separate “portfolios” tracking publicly traded Ad Tech and MarTech companies, respectively:

LUMA.A: our index tracking publicly traded Ad Tech companies
LUMA.M: our index tracking publicly traded MarTech companies

Below is a graphic summarizing the relevant universe of companies (note that the middle overlapping section represents companies included in both indices):

LUMA Indices Illustration

Click Here to Access The LUMA Indices

Key Takeaways from the Indices (as of June 30, 2021):

• Ad Tech and MarTech have respectively appreciated by factors of ~14x and ~7x since the tracking start date (early 2017), versus only 2.7x and 1.9x for the NASDAQ and S&P 500, respectively
• The LUMA.A cohort collectively represents ~$140 billion in cumulative market cap
• The LUMA.M cohort collectively represents ~$360 billion in cumulative market cap
• Just this quarter (Q2 2021), eight new companies became publicly traded through IPO and de-SPAC transactions: AppLovin, DoubleVerify, Integral Ad Science, SquareSpace, Sprinklr, and Zeta all completed IPOs, while ironSource and Taboola completed their previously-announced de-SPAC transactions
• Public markets remain inviting to Ad Tech and MarTech issuers, as several more companies in the space are expected to be contemplating near-term public issuances

DISCLAIMER: The data and commentary provided herein is intended for informational and discussion purposes only. This information does not constitute an investment recommendation (nor any recommendation whatsoever) by LUMA Partners LLC and/or its affiliates (collectively “LUMA”). LUMA makes no warranty or representation regarding any such information.
